Based in the UK, I specialise in travel and observational photography.
Holidays as a kid always involved camping and long car journeys. All seven of us and the dog packed into a Volvo estate with the tent and luggage tied on the roof. On some journeys we managed to break down on the way there and on the way back. The journey being as much of an adventure as the destination.
The first big overseas road trip was with friends in a car that had doubled as a chicken coup on the farm. We travelled through France, Belgium, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, across to Tunisia and then back up through Italy and France on the way home.
That was it, we were all hooked. Seeing and experiencing things for the first time was like an overload for the senses that was simultaneously exhilarating and strangely calming.
I’m never happier than when on the move and photography is a great enabler to observe things in greater context. It forces you to look at the whole and the individual parts, whilst documenting a unique moment in time.
As a Getty Images Contributor since 2011, my work has featured in numerous magazines, advertising campaigns, media outlets and travel brochures.